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Ancestry DNA Login

Ancestry DNA is an online service that takes you back to your family history and finds connections and relatives. Your DNA is more than you think. It can take you to your family history. You should know that it is now possible to find how your ancestors looked and lived hundreds of years ago. Ancestry DNA allows you to grab verified knowledge according to regions like East Asia, Sub-Saharan African, and Europe. You can find more about Ancestry DNA at Moreover, when you wish to provide your DNA sample, you will need to perform DNA kit activation from

How Ancestry DNA works?

Ancestry DNA requires you to buy a DNA test kit to provide information about your DNA. That is the first step if you think you have to know your family background.

Ancestry DNA doesn’t know who is taking the test when you purchase a test kit. You can also buy a test kit for some other individual. After getting the test kit, if you have to collect and provide your DNA sample, you must first activate the kit. The activation also requires an Ancestry account.

The price that the company charges for the test kit includes shipping or delivery cost. In addition to it, you also get lifetime access to your results. You don’t need to get an Ancestry subscription for a DNA test, but if you want to receive more insights about your tests, like knowing about your matches, you will need to have a subscription.

Further, after getting the test, the company allows you to get the subscription at a discounted price.

Activate your DNA kit and take a test

To take a DNA test, you have to activate your test kit. The activation process is easier than you think. Below are the steps you need to follow for using your test kit.

Consider the following points before activating your kit

  • • When you activate your test kit, actually your Ancestry account is linked to that kit. It clearly means that you need to create an account first. Creating an account requires you to use your email address that isn’t already used with Ancestry. To create an Ancestry account right now, visit
  • • The activation code you will find on the kit requires you to secure it until you get the test results.
  • • Note that the DNA sample won’t be processed without activating the test kit.
  • • You can’t activate multiple DNA kits using one Ancestry account. Each test kit requires you to have a separate user account.
  • • If you aren’t able to activate your test with an email account, you can create a new one.

Activation steps to follow

  • • After you are ready for the activation process, you will have to visit or This web address will redirect to the Ancestry DNA activation page.
  • • Next, you have to make sure that you are logged in on your account or not. If you have logged in, please hit the Yes button. Otherwise, you need to click the No button. Once you hit the No button, you will be asked to “Sign-in to activate your kit.” Fill in your sign-in information and tap the Next button.
  • • In this step, you will have to use your activation code. You can see the activation code on the tube and the instruction packet. Once you locate the activation code, enter it correctly in the respective field. Remember that you don’t have to use hyphens while entering the code. Tap Next.
  • • Decide who wants to take the test. In addition to activating the test kit for yourself, you can activate the kit for your child or someone else. In case you are activating the kit for yourself, tap on your name.
  • • Now you reach a page where you are asked to provide your birth year and gender. The gender should be what you have by birth.
  • • Here, you find a dark-brown colored tab called Next. Tap on it.
  • • On the following page, you will see DNA Processing Consent. Go to the lower section of the page and hit the Review and Consent option; after that, tap the Next button.
  • • From here, you can get the activation in your way by adjusting the settings based on your preference. For example, you can receive information about your DNA matches by opting for the respective option. If you don’t want to allow any options, you can simply deny them. Note that you can edit your preference anytime you want.
  • • You are asked to show your name, username, location, and origin of your culture for DNA matches. If you have chosen Yes in the previous step, you will then be asked by the website to show your biological matches. You won’t show this option on the screen if you opt for No.
  • • On the following page, you can manage matches for your biological information.
  • • Ancestry DNA lets you know about the test updates if you update the respective options. Once you choose your ethnicity-display preference, you are asked for your choice for text updates. Tap Yes or No based on your selection. In case you wish to have updates, provide your phone number.
  • • On this web page, you can opt to get email updates.
  • • Finally, review the information you have provided and hit the Submit and Activate button.